Sunday, October 31, 2010

Health care is a HOT subject.

Health care is a HOT subject. Continuing Thoughts About Health Care.......

Who should have it?

I believe everyone should have quality health care. I also believe despite lack of insurance coverage that the majority of Americans have health care available to them. But the red tape, waiting, pre authorization system is discouraging. The planned Health Care system will not eleviate this problem.

Regarding ill, injured people going without...... I happen to be aware of many foundations, organizations, and charities. I have told more than one person, show me somebody going without and I will help them. And I do. People are kind, people want to help. But I am ernest in telling people there is help available. But I must agree unless you have a college education it is nearly impossible to read and answer most of those forms given by agencies.

Should a person be forced to accept "authorized" health care for themselves and their children?

The multi-culture, multi-religious, multi-health care practices make it difficult to provide everyone with "quality" care if you are limited on your approved authorized treatments, medicines, and care for a patient.

What is good Quality health care? and who is authorized to say what is quality health care. Pelosi? (I pick on her because of her adamant support of the health care program; in actuality I mean all those "good hearted people" trying to do the right thing). Is chiropractor care necessary?

Should children be forced to receive vaccinations?

As in everything, life is not fair. Of course if Life is good to you and feel you have been lucky, as in my case. You say Life is not fair--- Thank Goodness! No matter the attempts to service all citizens of a society fairly it is unrealistic. at the government level.

No matter the small percentage of actual violators -- everyone suspects there is welfare fraud, misused administrative costs, and general chaos with the social services of our country.

The triage system at all hospitals should be looked at more closely. The emergency room should be for emergencies.

We are not staged to accept and deliver "quality care" across the board to all citizens. So do we (like in our schools) aim for the average person? or the mean?

Our "fore mothers" set up our school and hospital systems. I realize the fore fathers get the credit. But history teaches The Progressive Movement was an effort to educate and provide health care to American society in the last quarter of the 19th century but not all citizens shared in the new wealth, prestige, and optimism.

A major push for change, the First Reform Era, occurred in the years before the Civil War and included efforts of social activists to reform working conditions and humanize the treatment of ill people and prisoners.

This new Peloisi Progressivism is imbued with strong political overtones, and it rejects the church. Specific goals included:

The desire to remove corruption and undue influence from government through the taming of bosses and political machines

the effort to include more people, more opinions, more outside influence in the political process

the conviction that government must play a role to solve social problems and establish fairness in economic matters. Do the Pelosi's of the world think they can truly do it better than GOD?

The success of progressivism owes much to publicity generated by the muckrakers, writers who detailed the horrors of poverty, failed school systems, no national insurance coverage,

The Solution in Ruthism:

Having a very ill husband, I hear doctors talking about establishing private elite physician systems--- not affiliated with the government ran system and paying the penalties that will be applied to them.

Then and Now people remove themselves from society and attempted to establish utopian communities in which reforms were limited to their participants. The focal point of new found societies include individual government.

In my truest capitalistic heart: If we truly want a national system to work--- we do what Americans do best; Start the infrastructure to have the best darn medical system in the world. I have said it before --- As China, India, third world countries grow and become self sufficient. We need to learn from our own history; Establish the best schools, hospitals in the world. I have seen it first hand. Other countries want to care for their families in the same way America cares for their families. America still has one of the longest life spans in the world.

Send all capable youth to medical school. encourage medical research, continue space programs so we can manufacture in a truly "clean environment". Build more, clean hospitals. The hospitals are dirty!!! and disgusting!

Get the prisoners to work on chemicals--- I have seen a meth-lab!! Some of those prisoners are so anal attentive to details (you would love them to clean your refrigerator) those meth labs put most hospitals to shame.

Visit a hospital---- gross!! Inspire our education programs, give America a BOOST IN THE ARM!!! Pun intended........

Some people are lucky, some are unfortunately very unlucky.
I have heard tell we make our own luck sometimes.

Thank God in Heaven we were not under the National Health Care Plan and subjected to their rules.

Ok I am going to get in trouble here. But this is a Ruth Truth.

My husband had a quadruple bypass last week.
Thank God in Heaven we were not under the National Health Care Plan and subjected to their rules.

My husband and I pay a lot for health insurance. Because it is a very high priority for us. We chose to budget for very high medical insurance. We have never been referred to another hospital, doctor, or facilities because of our insurance. We are referred to "the best in town" when we need it. We never wait for pre-authorizations, or change our medications because the medicine is not covered by our insurance. The doctors order whatever they want to order, when they want, the doctors are free to try new drugs on Tony and able to provide Tony with equipment in the prototype phases of production.

It is not that I want others to receive "no health care".
The truth is I want everyone to receive the same care as Tony is receiving now. Or in other words "the same care as our President and Congress receive".

It is common knowledge that there is "special blood" for blood transfusions that is donated by doctors. The blood is stored and replaced to be as pristine as possible. Doctors, dignitaries do not get blood transfusions from blood banks.

This distribution of health care reminds me of a school assignment:

There is a school assignment that most children are assigned about junior high level of school. It is one of those assignments that makes you think for a long time.
The assignment is to allow only a portion of patients to receive a life saving medical treatment. I can not think what the treatment was then; heart transplants were not performed yet. Maybe an iron lung? lol
The population of these patients were a pregnant woman, a rich old man willing to buy a new wing for the hospital, an artist, a child, a skill worker providing for a family. etc.
The assignment was to decide who received the medical treatment.

The students were to work in teams, devise a criteria and explain their choices. So first criteria would be which candidate was most likely to survive the operation, be able to provide after care, these two criteria are PRACTICAL. The desire to use the resource in the most PRACTICAL manner. ........but then conversation would start.

The students being 12 or 13 years of age would sympathize with the pregnant woman and the child. All of a sudden the pregnant woman was the most important person to save. So the first criteria gets changed to the ability to save two lives instead of just one life. She is at the top of the list.
Next criteria to trump (likely to survive the operation, be able to provide after care,) is the years left in one's life and the child is moved to the top of the list. These two criteria are based on the belief of HOPE. HOPE for a new life to do good and become the best person possible.

In retrospect ... this is very Biblical. It is written we are to care for the women and children.

But then if we are taking in account of most man/years does it not make sense to save the man with the money for the new hospital wing? That added facilities could save hundreds of lives.

This is getting to be a long blog...... and I want to continue this in my next blog......

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Why did June vacuum with pearls?

June Cleaver past last week and we all flashed back to sitting at the television set watching the episodes of LEAVE IT TO BEAVER.

One comment associated with many people including journalist was that they often described
June Cleaver as the woman who vacuumed with high heels and pearls
. To my critical ear, this often was followed by a judgement call of the journalist by me. I would think this person is not educated of semi-precious gems.

Why did June vacuum with pearls? To me it is interesting that the 1950s could be considered a culture. A social history buff, I would like to explain this culture phenomenon.

Truly precious pearls were quite expensive. They were usually given at special occasions such as a 16th birthday, wedding, anniversary, college graduation, etc. They usually were not only an expensive gift but also a gift of much sentimental value.

Today when there are so many "fake" pearls available, it is not well known the proper care and treatment of a genuine string of pearls.

The pearl were individually knotted after each pearl, to prevent the event of breaking a string of pearls and having all the individual pearls roll away. A rather stiff multi-stranded cotton necklace would be twisted together for the pearls. Then after each pearl was added a very small tight knot by hand to secure each pearl. If the necklace did break, the pearls would not then roll all over the floor.

A recently finished pearl necklace is not a beautiful flowing necklace but is stiff and awkward looking. The key to caring for your pearl necklace is to wear your necklace and the warmth of your body would gradually loosen the stiff string and soften the knots in the necklace.

If you received your relatives pearl necklace, you knew you did not just receive a piece of jewelry but that beloveds own body was instrumental in treating that necklace.

So to whom ever June willed her pearls to (i.e. a granddaughter) the granddaughter would have known her grandmother had worn the necklace many hours.

So every time I hear or read this statement I reflect on the uncultured (pun was intended) education of the observer.