I am an avid fan of "everyday people think up great ideas" And as an independent entrepreneur I am often looking for marketing ideas and encouragement. Ergo Holly Tucker's stories was one of those "Why didn't anyone think of that before stories?" More about Holly at the end of the blog.
This is a blog about Marriage egoccentrialism: Yes I do make up words and phrases as I please. Two people may marry with seemingly common backgrounds and experiences. But it is only after being married awhile do those "differences" start popping up. In our marriage it is the bed. ---- ok get your head out of the gutter---- it is in making the bed.
My bed is my sanctuary
People who visited me know that! Believe me -- lots of people who knew me and my seemingly simple taste have been known to take a double take when they would see my fit for a QUEEN bed. Children always need to crawl in it. Parents knew their children would be fine. Because if I had a visitor overnight --- I let them sleep in my bed and there they rested very nicely.
On the other hand Tony's family is from Hawaii---- a bottom sheet, a light top sheet, done. Think hospital bed.....
So needless to say making the bed and adding all it's comfort components has been a life long lesson for Tony. And this week end -- I added this SHOE SKIRT to our bed making routine.
okay it is like this ---- under bed storage, box springs, shoe skirt, bed skirt, mattress, foam pad, feather comforter, special comforter protective sheet (and no Tony --- you can not double that as a bottom sheet here!!!) and yes all the winkles need to be removed from this protective sheet, Tony!!! pull on the corners and sides and tuck to remove winkles and keep it even. Flannel sheet---- bottom fitted sheet. Simple, practical, and after all these years should be able to be done.
Top sheet with pretty side down, large hem at the top, high enough to cover your shoulders (Stop Tony, do not fold the large hem down yet.) light blanket -- approximately 16 inches from top of the bed. Now you fold down the top sheet---- sleep pillows, comforter, decorative pillows, and when I can get away with it a bed doll. EASY!
So we went through this last night as we have once or twice a week for our entire married life. Minus the shoe skirt---- and then I reminded Tony he likes his top sheet tucked in at the bottom-- so he does that to his side of the bed.
And even after all these years --- I return to the bedroom to find--- Tony has tucked the bed skirt in between the mattress and box springs -- when he tucked in his top sheet-----
Okay Okay---- I took a deep breath and fixed the bed skirt.
I know TMI but if that is the worse I suffer with Tony---- I guess I will keep him.
Holly Tucker
"Shoe Skirt" | Hendersonville, NC
Have shoes taken over your closet? Who'd imagine such a common dilemma would result in a product, the "Shoe Skirt," featured in the first Everyday Edisons infomercial? (See it at www.shoeskirt.com) When Holly Tucker misplaced yet another shoe, she decided her closet was out of control and took charge by developing an ingenious way to store shoes—the world's first shoe organizer that provides extra storage hidden under a bed skirt, with up to 30 pockets for shoes or other items. As a matter of fact, Holly still uses the prototype she originally made for her bed, which holds 35 pairs of shoes! The footwear aficionado presented her idea at the Everyday Edisons Dallas casting call on March 15, 2008 — and a shoe star was born.
An Ohio native, Holly grew up with her siblings and her divorced working mother who also happened to be a successful business owner. As an undergraduate, she majored in French, which would pay off in a later career, and gathered an MBA from Golden Gate University. Disenchanted by supervising teamsters on a freight dock in one of her earlier jobs, Holly's free-spirited nature took over and she soon enrolled in travel school. She learned the ropes working at travel agencies for a few years before the budding entrepreneur took a chance starting her own travel business. Consequently, she's happy to have been able to travel extensively since then — and even met her spouse while traveling in Germany.
Holly credits her husband of 20 years, a retired Air Force fighter pilot, as her chief inspiration, but also acknowledges a science teacher in junior high school as a great role model who encouraged and inspired her, and remains a treasured friend to this day. Holly's fondness for felines—she has four cats, "her babies"—is one of her passions, as are reality television shows. Right now, Holly's biggest aspiration is to cut back on work and spend more time inventing and enjoying life.
"My husband came up with the motto ‘A shoe skirt in every house!'"
Got to love it Ruth.